Saturday, December 2, 2023

Venkateswara English


The aryan culture originated in Indian subcontinent on whose northern border there are snow capped Himalaya mountains. Ensconced in their majestic beauty there was a beautiful, magnificent Naimisa forest. Naimisa was where all the ascetics, sages and rishis gather and discuss the various aspects of scripture including vedas, epics and puranas.

In that Naimisa forest the famous sage, Vyasa's disciple, Soota built a gurukula where people in the spiritual quest could congregate and discuss various scriptures.

One day Sage Soota was sitting beside Sounaka and other great sages. They asked him "O great one, in this Kali yuga we hear that Lord Venkateswara is the only divinity that can protect us. Can you please narrate the Lord's story?"

Sage Soota smiled in acquiescence and prayed his guru Sage Vyasa before saying "Sounaka and other sages, I am happy to tell you about Lord Venkateswara. His story is very holy. People narrating it or listening to it will become eligible for comfortable after life."

In Gita Lord Krishna said when dharma is threatened by evil, wicked and sinful people, Lord Vishnu will assume an avatar to protect his devotees from them. Thus ensuring the peace on the earth. In Kali yuga Lord Vishnu's abode on earth is the most holy place. It is called by various names: Vrushabhadri, Anjanadri, Seshadri and Venkatadri. Kali yuga follows Kruta, Treta and Dwapara yugas. After seeing the signs of Kali yuga, Sage Kasyapa and his cohorts worried about the earth. Wherever they could see the land was rife with adharma, injustice, violence, famine and pestilence. People disrespected and fought with one another. They were not trying to attain salvation and were stuck like flies in honey. As a solution to all the travails, the sages decided to do a yagna.

Sage Narada's Conversation With His Father

Sage Narada who freely moves among the three lokas was also concerned that people were no longer pious and dharmic. He went to Satyalok to visit his father Brahma. After some niceties he asked: "Father, Lord Vishnu has not assumed an avatar after Krishna avatar. As a result the earth is rife with sin and violence. I would like to seek your advice on how to convince Lord Vishnu to assume an avatar to mitigate the sinful effects on earth".

Then Brahma said "Son, you are omniscient. You know what happens in the future. But you have to be patient. Soon Lord Vishnu will assume an avatar on earth". Hearing this Narada felt jubiliant.

Sages Decide to do Yagna

To make the earth prosperous the sages planned to perform a yagna under the leadership of Sage Kashyap. On the banks of holy Ganga, they selected a place for the yagna. They invited all the sages of the land, including Narada, to participate in the yagna.

Narada came to witness the yagna along with scores of other sages. Everyone felt happy to see Narada. The sages received him with camaraderie and offered him a prominent seat. Narada asked Sage Kasyap and others "O great rishis, you are performing this yagna to make earth prosperous. Because of this yagna earth will be ridden of adharma and true peace will be established. But who will receive the fruit of this yagna? Obviously an ordinary one can't be the receiver. In my opinion, the trimurti's are eligible to receive it. Whoever is calm, patient and righteous should be the recipient."

Upon hearing Narada, the sages were perplexed and started discussing among themselves. They were debating who among the trimurt's would be calm and righteous. They started taking sides based on their favorite trimurti. In the end they were unable to decide.

Narada on seeing the situation as tenuous spoke "O sages, please stop arguing with one another. Being omniscient you should not stop the proceedings of the yagna and quarrel with one another. I think Sage Brugu is the most capable one to decide who among trimurt's is eligible to receive the fruit of the yagna." Everyone agreed with Narada and voted Sage Brugu to meet the trimurt's and decide which of them will be the recipient of the fruit of yagna.

Sage Brugu is very spiritual but for his third eye in the foot. Because of that he has great pride and ego.

Thus the yagna started by Sage Kasyap and his cohorts became the root of the Lord Venkateswara avatar of Lord Vishnu.

Sage Brugu's Mission

Sage Brugu set out first to Satya lok to meet Lord Brahma. At that time, Brahma was in a meeting with rishis and discussing the intricacies of the creation. Everyone was listening to him with great attention. Brugu entered the room and sat alongside them. After a while he was upset that Brahma ignored him and did not offer him a prominent seat. He got up and announced the importance of his visit and cursed Brahma to not have any place of worship for him on the earth.

Goddess Saraswati became astonished and asked Brahma why Brugu cursed him. Brahma asked her not to react and jump to conclusions because Brugu was on a mission.

Brugu left Satya lok and went straight ahead to Kailas. He was optimistic that Siva would be nice with him. When he arrived in Siva's abode all the ganas were immersed in dance and Siva chants. Lord Siva was romancing with his wife Goddess Parvati. Brugu tried to enter the room where Lord Siva and Goddess Parvati were together. The guards stopped him. He pushed them aside and entered the room. On seeing Brugu Siva became very angry and said "Brugu, being a sage don't you know that you should not visit in our private abode? I am forgiving you this time and letting you live. So go away."

Brugu understood that Lord Siva was seething with anger. He was disappointed that the second of trimurt's did not have the patience he was looking for. He cursed Lord Siva not to have any temple with his idol and people only worship his linga.

After Kailas, Brugu went to the last destination Vaikunt which is an opulent and magnificent place. People who performed good deeds on earth attain Vaikunt where they worship Lord Narayana. The various people like garuda, gandharva, kinnera, and kimpurusha live there in golden homes. Even the devatas consider it as a holy place. At the moment Brugu came to the abode of Lord Narayana who was with Goddess Lakshmi enjoying her company.

Brugu was happy to see the Lord and hoped that he would recognize him. But the couple ignored Brugu and went about their activities. This outraged Brugu and unable to control his anger he kicked Lord Narayana on his chest where Goddess Lakshmi resides. Lord got up and apologized to Brugu. He held his foot and destroyed the eye that was the root cause for Brugu's pride and ego. He then washed and worshipped his feet. He enquired about the reason for Brugu's visit. Brugu thought "Lord Narayana is so patient and full of affection even though I kicked him with my foot". He told Lord that Sage Kasyap and others were performing a yagna and the Lord Narayana was the only eligible trimurti to receive its fruit. Lord felt happy and assured Brugu that he would be there at the conclusion of the yagna to receive its fruit.

Brugu returned to the Naimisa forest to the company of other sages and narrated his interactions with the trimurti's. He convinced them that he made the right decision in choosing Lord Vishnu as the most eligible to receive the fruit of their yagna.

Goddess Lakshmi Devi's Anger

Meanwhile, Goddess Lakshmi was seething with anger because Brugu had kicked her abode in Lord Vishnu's chest. She asked him "Why are you so nonchalant? Brugu had kicked my abode. How can an ordinary ascetic insult the ruler of the universe?" and started crying. The Lord said: "Brugu is not an ordinary sage. He came here to enlist me for his noble mission. I destroyed his pride and ego by removing his third eye. Thus he was enlightened. What is wrong in doing that?" The Goddess retorted "You can give me any number of excuses. But I am not impressed. I feel insulted and hurt. An ordinary ascetic broke us up with his pride. He made my abode in your chest unholy. I will not stay in Vaikunta even for a minute. I am leaving." Ignoring the pleadings of the Lord she left Vaikunta.

Lakshmi Devi crossed the rivers, forests, mountains in search of a suitable place to build her ashram. She found on the banks of river Godavari a place called Kollapuri and built her ashram and settled down.

The Lord was stunned when Lakshmi Devi left Vaikunta. He never anticipated one day Lakshmi Devi would walk out on him. Vaikunta lost its lustre. The Lord was all alone. The denizens were equally stunned and dejected. Lord's sadness became unbearable. He decided to get the Goddess back. "What use is the Vaikunta without Lakshmi?" he thought. He was crying "O Lakshmi! My dear! Your tender feet must be aching upon walking on mountains and deserts. Please come back."

Sri Hari Comes To Earth

In search of his Goddess he was emaciated and tired without food or sleep. He eventually reached Seshadri. What a downfall for the ruler of the universe! His love and affection for Lakshmi Devi made him lose his judgement.

Seshadri was called by different names in different yugas. Presently it is called Vekatachala. There Varaha Swamy resided in an asram performing meditation.

Once Vayu and Seshu had an argument about who is the most powerful. As they were posturing for a fight with each other, the sage Narada saw them and approached them. After learning their argument he decided to teach them a lesson. He said "O mighty ones! What is the point in arguing? I will suggest that you show your strength by moving the part of Vindhya mountain range called Ananda. Whoever can move Ananda will be considered as the mighty one." Vayu and Seshu agreed and set out to the Ananda mountain.

Seshu coiled around the mountain and tried to crush it. Vayu encircled the mountain with powerful wind. The mountain didn't move a bit. They kept applying more and more power to show their strength. As they were doing it, the animals and people on and around the mountain ran helter skelter in panic. Seeing the disruption to life, Devendra along with devas arrived at the mountain and appealed to them: "O mighty ones, because of your adamant positions, the life forms are suffering. As the wind is getting mightier, the seas are flooding the land. As Seshu was tightening his grip, the earth is trembling. Please give up for the sake of life forms."

Seshu relented in respect for the life forms. Vayu withdrew his powerful winds following suit. Because Seshu coiled around the mountain it was called Seshachala. And the mountain is called Anjanadri because Vayu encircled it with his mighty wind force.

Seshu chanting Sri Hari's name turned into a mountain. It is called Seshadri. Its peak is called Venkatadri. The place in between is called Ahobila. Varaha Swamy built his ashram on Seshadri upon Brahma's suggestion.

Lord Enters Seshadri

Lord Vishnu after roaming all over the earth in search of Goddess Lakshmi was dejected and melancholic. He arrived at Seshadri and sat in a tamarind tree's shade. What a fall from the opulent Vaikunta! He saw an ant hill nearby and entered it. Days were rolling and the Lord was becoming weaker. Sage Narada came to know of Lord's travail on earth. He went to Lords Brahma and Siva to explain the decrepit state of Lord Vishnu. They decided to help the Lord. Brahma turned into a cow and Siva became the calf. They then went to meet Goddess Lakshmi to enlist her help. They beseeched her "Please assume the role of a cowherder and take the cow and calf to the kingdom of Chola. Then sell them to the king. After joining the cow herd, Brahma in the form of a cow can make its milk flow into the ant hill where Lord is hiding and feed him". The Goddess agreed that it was a good plan and felt happy to be helpful to Lord. She took the cow and the calf to Chola King's palace. The queen was very much impressed by the pedigree of the two and recommended them to be bought. The king agreed and purchased the cow and calf.

The king had a huge cow herd and several cowherders. Brahma and Sive in the forms of cow and calf joined the cowherd. They were taken by the cowherders to the mountain where the Lord was hiding. Every evening Brahma and Siva in the forms of cow and calf, would go to the ant hill and the cow made its milk flow into the mouth of the Lord. Days were rolling. Once the queen noticed that the Brahma in the form of a cow was not giving any milk upon milching. She informed the king about the anomaly. The king suspected the cowherder was stealing the milk and chided him.

The cowherder also noticed that. He couldn't imagine how that could happen and suspected sorcery. Next day he kept an eye on the cow. As evening fell, the cow as usual went to the ant hill and released its milk. Upon seeing that the cowherder became very irate and swung his axe on the cow. Lord anticipating the axe would hit the cow, intervened by putting his head in the path of the axe. As a result he sustained a huge wound on his head. The cowherder fell unconscious in bewilderment. The cow and calf returned to the palace in sadness. The king noticing that the cow was shedding tears ordered another cowherder to find out the reason. After following the cow and calf to the ant hill, he saw the unconscious cowherder. The ant hill was covered in blood. He ran back to the king and described what he saw. The king was totally amazed and wanted to see personally. As he approached the ant hill, the Lord emerged from it in anger and said: "Why did you get me wounded by your cowherder, you sinner? Not happy with the description given by your underlings, you came here to see their escapades. You must be punished for your negligence. I curse you to turn into a demon."

The king trembling with fear fell on Lord's feet. "O Lord, I am ignorant of this incident. I did not commit any sin deliberately. Why did you make me a demon? Please release me from your curse. Why are you hiding inside the ant hill?" The Lord said "I cannot take back my curse. You will be released of my curse when my marriage with Akasa Raja's daughter Padmavati is performed in the near future. Until then you will be in the form of a demon." The king paid his obeisance and returned to his palace. Then the Lord revived the unconscious cowherder and made him retreat with the cow herd.

Jaya-Vijaya Story

Once in Vaikunta there used to be two security guards outside Lord's abode called Jaya and Vijaya. They were loyal devotees of the Lord and served him diligently. They never allowed anyone in without Lord's permission. Once a group of sages arrived at the door and sought to see the Lord. But the guards Jaya and Vijaya didn't allow them to enter. This enraged the sages and they said in anger "O wicked ones, we came to offer our respect to the Lord. How dare you obstruct us? We curse you to be born as demoons". As a result Jaya and Vijaya were born as the demons Hiranyakasipa and Hiranyaksha. The guards fell on the feet of the sages and begged them to pardon them. The sages said after three births they would be released from the curse; in each birth the Lord would assume an avatar to kill them.

Hiranyaksha did many demonic acts. He called himself as the lord of the universe. He rolled the earth as a mat would be rolled and tried to hide it. Brahma and other devas prayed to the Lord for help. Lord acquiesced and assumed the avatar of Varaha Swamy or a wild boar. Using his tusks, earth was saved from drowning in the mighty ocean. He then killed Hiranyaksha establishing peace in the earth.

The devas elated by the act of the Lord requested him to stay on earth. The Lord agreed and Varaha Swamy made an asram on Seshachala and lived there ever since.

Lord's Meeting With Vakula Devi

The Lord bleeding in the head was seeking help on Seshadri. He came across an asram and requested help. The asram belonged to Vakula Devi. At that time she was worshipping Lord Krishna. When she heard Lord's voice she came out to see who it was. The Lord appeared as Krishna playing a flute.

Vakula Devi is an ardent devotee of the Lord. Her memories of Dwapara yuga were revived. "O Gopala Krishna, you came to see me after so many years. You made me holy by your appearance. What is that blood? Who hurt you? It looks like a deep wound" said Vakula. She then tore a piece of her sari, cleaned the wound and applied the extract of medicinal leaves on it.

Even though Lord Krishna was born to Devaki and Vasudeva, soon after birth, to escape the wrath of King Kamsa, he was left on the bed of Yasoda who raised him. She looked after every need of the Lord and put up his myriad mischief. The Lord in Krishna avatar married several women. But Yasoda could not attend even a single one of his weddings. She was left with just one desire to see the wedding of the Lord. When she expressed her wish, the Lord said: "O mother, my avatar is almost coming to an end. So this is not the time. But you will get an opportunity to see my wedding in Kali yuga. Then you can bless me." Yasoda was born again as Vakula Devi living in the Varaha Swamy asram.

Vakula Devi took the Lord to Varaha Swamy. The Swamy opened his eyes from meditation and inquired who the new person was. Then the Lord appeared with conch and disc and other ornaments. The Swamy said "Sri Hari! When did you come here? Where is your consort Lakshmi? Why do you look so forlorn? Is any demon tormenting the earth? Do you need my help?"

"What can I say about my travail? I was in Vaikunta when the sage Brugu came with his usual haughtiness. When I was in the company of Lakshmi, he hit me on my chest. Lakshmi felt insulted and left Vaikunta. She went to Kollapuri to meditate. No matter how much I begged her she did not listen to me.

Vaikunta without Lakshmi lost its lustre. I went in search of her and ended up at Seshadri. I entered an ant hill and stayed there. Everyday a cow with a calf came to the ant hill and made her milk flow into my mouth. One day the cowherder came to know about this and swung his axe on the cow. I interjected to save the cow and the axe struck my head. This made me bleed. I came across Vakula's asram while searching for help. She dressed my would and brought me here to meet you."

Varaha Swamy said: "Sri Hari! Don't worry. You can stay in this asram for however long you want. Vakula Devi can serve your personal needs. Vakula! Do you know who he is. He is the Lord Vishnu whom you raised as Yasoda in Dwapara yuga when he was in Krishna avatar. He is once again came in Kali yug to be served by you. Please take a good care of him".

They offered obeisance to Varaha Swamy and returned to their dwelling. She named the Lord as Srinivasa. She served the Lord wholeheartedly with dedication. The Lord was so impressed by her that his idol to this day has a garland made of "pogada" flowers to symbolize her. Because of her service to the Lord she was given that privilege.

Chola Kingdom

The Chola kingdom was being ruled by Sudharma who is the descendant of chandra vamsa. He had two sons. One is Akasa and the other Tondaman. He abdicated his thrown to the eldest son Akasa. The second son served him as the prime minister. He asked them to rule with dharma, justice and peace. He then moved into a forest and stayed there until death.

Based on their father's advice the two sons ruled the kingdom and achieved praise and acceptance by the people.

Akasa Raja's wife Dharanee Devi did not conceive children resulting in grief. The couple invited their guru Suka Maharshi and expressed their sorrow. Suka Maharshi, after reflection, said "Long time ago, King Dasaratha who was also without children, performed a yagna called putrakameshti. As a result, his queens conceived and delivered able children. I suggest you do the putrakameshti yagna."

The couple as advised by the Raj Guru performed the yagna in the presence of pundits. After yagna Akasa Raj ploughed a piece of land with a golden plough. The plough came across an obstruction and couldn't go further. Amazed the Raja manually removed the dirt and found a box buried under the ground. When he opened the box he found a girl baby resting on a thousand petalled lotus with a big smile on her face. Then the akasa vani said "O king! You are very lucky. You obtained the child because of the punya from your previous birth. Take the baby and lead a blessed life." The king was full of joy and took the child to his wife and told her what happened. The queen was beyond joy and made charitable offerings to pundits. The couple treated her more than themselves. She was named Padmavati.

Vedavati Is Born As Padmavati

Padmavati was growing up with great charm. The king and queen had given birth to a son called Sudhama. After attaining a suitable age they conducted upanayana for Sudhama. They also started looking a suitable match for Padmavati.

In Treta yuga Padmavati was Vedavati. Vedavati was amazingly beautiful, surpassing the beauty of gandharvas and devatas. Demon king Ravana wanted to marry her. She refused saying she would marry Lord Rama alone. Ravana was upset and wanted to marry her forcibly. She cursed him to death by a woman and immolated herself in Agni. The Agni God rescued her and kept her with him. She is called maya Sita.

Upon Kaika's wish Lord Rama took up aranya vasa with his brother Lakshmana and wife Sita. They were living in a hut. Once a gold hued deer came into Sita's sight. It is Demon Mareercha appearing as a fake deer. He was sent by Ravana to kidnap Sita. Unbeknownst Sita wanted the deer. Lord Rama went after the deer. After some time, the deer was struck by Lord's arrow. The fake deer cried out "Hey Lakshmana! Hey Sita!" before succumbing. Sita heard the cries and wanted Lakshmana to rush to help the Lord. Lakshmana said "No one can surmount Lord Rama" and advised her not to worry. Sita was adamant. So Lakshmana went in search of Rama. Seeing Sita alone, Ravana kidnapped her and took her to Lanka. On the way an eagle called Jathayu tried to stop Ravana. But he struck its wings and gravely wounded it.

Lord Rama and Lakshmana returned to the hut. Not finding Sita, they went in search of her. They found Jathayu struck by Ravana. It told them that Ravana kidnapped Sita and went to Lanka. It told them how it fought to stop Ravana before it died. Lord understood the situation. He performed rites for Jathayuh before moving on.

Afterwards the Lord made a treaty with monkey king Sugreeva. Together they killed Vali. Along with Hanuma they made a bridge across the ocean to Lanka. The army of monkeys entered Lanka and destroyed the opponents. Ravana was killed by Rama. Ravana's brother Vibheeshana was coronated as the king of Lanka thus reinstating dharma. The Lord rescued Sita from Ravana's imprisonment in the asoka garden. Before starting for Ayodhya, the Lord wanted Sita to jump into Agni so that her chastity could be verified.

Sita being the eternally pure, entered Agni. The Agni God appeared with two Sitas and wanted the Lord to pick the right one. The Lord picked the correct one. The other Sita is the maya Sita.

The Agni god said Ravana imprisoned the maya Sita in Lanka and the real Sita was safely with him during that time.

Then Vedavati said: "Lord, I waited for so long to marry you. I thwarted Ravana's attempt to marry him by entering Agni. So please take me as your wife."

"Vedavati, in Rama avatar I can only marry once. In Kali yuga I will don an avatar as Srinivasa. You will be born as Padmavati. Akasa Raj and his wife Dharani Devi will be your parents. I will marry you then." assured the Lord.

Accordingly, Vedavati was born as Padmavati in Kali yuga and raised by Akasa Raja and Dharani Devi. Lord Vishnu donned the avatar of Srinivasa to fulfill the promise he made to Vedavati in Treta yuga.

Padmavati's Match Making

Padmavati attained marriageable age. She learned all sastras, scripture and outshined yakshas, kinneras, gandharvas in beautfy and demeanor. Once she performed mangala gouri vrata ritual and went into the royal garden to play with her maids. Sage Narada came into the garden. Padmavati invited him and offered him a seat.

She said "O son of Brahmana! The great sage! I am very elated to see you". Narada replied "You know I travel in the three lokas. I came here to see your father. I am impressed by your devotion. Let me look at your palm." Padmavati showed him the left palm. He studied it for a while and said "Padmavati, the lines on your palm are exactly like those of Goddess Lakshmi. You are so lucky. Lord Vishnu in the avatar of Lord Srinivasa will be your husband. I am telling you the truth. You are as great as Goddess Lakshmi."

"Sri Hari left Vaikunta for Venkatachala. On earth he is called Srinivasa. Even Brahma and Siva cannot describe his handsomeness. You will marry him". Saying so, the Sage left.

Padmavati's parents were debating who would be the right groom to marry her. They had sent match makers in all directions. But none would come back with a suitable groom. They were very worried about Padmavati's marriage. At that time Sage Narada appeared. The couple told him about their precarious situation. Narada replied "O king! Sri Hari is now in Venkatachala going by the name of Srinivasa. The Vedavati in treta yuga is born as Padmavati. Her marriage will take place with none other than the Lord. This will happen soon. The Lord will be your son-in-law. So don't worry."

Akasa Raj could not believe his ears. Way back, King Bali gave Sri Hari his kingdom with his hands held high above those of the Lord. Now Akasa Raj would be offering his beautiful daughter to the Lord. This he believed was the result of his punya in previous lives.

The maids heard Narada's conversation with the royal couple and relayed it to Padmavati. She blushed and felt very elated.

Lord Goes On A Hunt

In Venakatachala the Lord was receiving the services of Vakula Devi and her cohorts. Once a wild elephant entered their asram. It was making loud noises and destroying trees in its path. People were so afraid, they locked themselves inside their homes and started chanting "Narayana!Narayana!". The Lord donned a bow and arrows to go in search of the elephant. Vakula Devi tried to stop him by saying: "Please don't take such a risk. The elephant is so wild it can crush the mountain."

"Mother, don't worry. If I don't pacify the elephant, it will cause damage and fear among the people. This had better be avoided" replied the Lord. He stood in front of the elephant. It turned around and started going back. The Lord was chasing it. Brahma understood what was going on and sent a horse to the Lord. The Lord mounted the horse and went after the elephant which soon disappeared. He was tired and took a break under an oak tree.

At a nearby distance he heard the sounds of people. He was glad that there were people near by as he could get something to quench his thirst. He dismounted the horse and walked towards the sounds.

The sounds were made by Padmavati and her maids who were playing. They were running and dancing as they enjoyed each other's company. The Lord found a pond nearby and quenced his thirst. Then he approached Padmavati.

"Males are not allowed in this garden" said the maids. "Who are you?" they taunted him. The moment the Lord saw Padmavati he was totally enchanted. He was getting closer to Padmavati. Padmavati was also enamoured by the Lord and stood behind a tree blushing. The maids surrounded Padmavati and said "Why are you ignoring our warnings and questions and getting closer?" "Maids, I have none and am all alone. All of the universe is related to me. I have no house. Whoever invites me I go there. This is my story. What is your name?"

"Her name is Padmavati. She is the daughter of Akasa Raj. Dharani Devi is her mother", replied the maids.

"Padmavati please marry me. I am your appropriate match" said the Lord who was in the guise of a hunter. This made Padmavati irate. "Enough talk. Please leave" she said. "Padmavati please don't reject my proposal. Love is between hearts. The moment I cast my eyes on you, I fell in love with you. The desire to marry you has originated. I can't live without you. Please don't reject me" said the Lord moving even closer to Padmavati.

Padmavati ordered her maids to pelt rocks at the Lord. "Young man, did you come to hunt animals or people? Go away", they said striking him with rocks. The Lord was wounded. He came even more nearer to Padmavati who was pitiful for his plight. She wanted him to reveal his ancestry.

"I will tell you my ancestry. Please don't send me back disappointed. My kula is Seetaamsu. My gotra is Vasishta. My father is Vasudeva, my mother is Devaki, my brother is Balarama, my sister is Subhadra. Pandavas are my favorite relatives. Arjuna is my dear brother-in-law. This is my history. Can I know your ancestry?" said the Lord.

"My dynasty is Chandra vamsa. My gotra is Atri. My father's name is Akasa Raj. My mother is Dharani Devi. Vasudhama is my brother" replied Padmavati. Saying so she ordered her maids "Ask him to leave immediately."

The Lord spoke beseechingly "I am leaving with a heavy heart. Marry me. You won't regret." Padmavati remembered what Sage Narada said and felt elated as she left.

Lord Becomes Love Sick

After accosting Padmavati Lord became restless. He headed home. With a heavy heart he reached the asram and isolated himself. Vakula Devi and her cohorts thought the Lord must have been tired after the hunt. Lord has been disinterested in food or talk for days. One day Vakula Devi came to him and said "Since you have gone for the hunt, you have not been the same. You haven't spoken or eaten anything. Do you want me to make you something to eat? You look weak. Please have something to eat." Lord showed his disinterest.

"O dear, why are you so dejected since going for hunt? Has anything bad happened during the hunt? Are you in any danger? Please talk to me. It is not good to sleep during day time" pleaded Vakula Devi. Still the Lord remained silent.

"You are not answering any of my pleadings. Is there something deficient in my service? Has any demon scared you? Did any yaksha, kinnera, kimpurusha ladies cast a spell on you?", she persisted. With no response from the Lord, she wanted to meet with Varaha Swami. Then the Lord began to speak "Mother, your words reminded me of my mother in Dwapara yuga, Yasoda when I used to make much mischief. Since you are the motherhood, let me tell you."

"As I went chasing the wild elephant, it passed through a royal garden and disappeared. I saw a beautiful girl playing with her friends in the garden. I could not believe that anyone can be that beautiful. How can I ever describe her beauty? There is no one in the universe to compare with her. Her buxom body and beautiful face are forever etched in my heart. I asked her gotra. She said she is the daughter of Akas Raj. I begged her to marry me. She threatened that her father will punish me. Still I persisted and got nearer to her. She spurned me. Without her my life is a waste. She must have been born for me. May be I came to earth to marry her. If I have to come out of this depression, I should marry her." said the Lord.

"Srinivasa you are making a foolhardy move. Establishing relationship with Akasa Raj who is in higher status than us is impossible. Please forget about marrying Padmavati. Take your mind away from her" said Vakula Devi.

"I will tell you a secret. In Treta yuga, when I was in the Rama avatar I married King Janaka's daughter Sita. Because of my father's wish, I along with Sita and Lakshmana lived in forest for fourteen years. During that period when I and Lakshmana were not in the asram, Ravana kidnapped Sita and took her to Lanka. As he was taking her the Agni God switched real Sita with maya Sita. Her name is Vedavati. The real Sita was safe with him. With Vanara army I vanquished Ravana in the ensuing battle. I doubted Sita's character and asked her to enter into fire. Then Agni God appeared with the real and maya Sitas and asked me to pick one. I picked the real Sita. Agni god said I could take the maya Sita also. I told him in Rama avatar I could only have one wife. Then I gave my word that in Dwapara or Kali yuga, when maya Sita would be born as Padmavati I will marry her. So Vedavati is now born as Padmavati, the daughter of Akas Raj. Hence you must perform my marriage with Padmavati" said the Lord.

Ever since Padmavati accosted the Lord in the form of a hunter, she became love sick. She wouldn't eat, take care of her body, talk to her parents or maids. She became sad and confined herself to her room. She assumed if she told her parents about the Lord, they would not support her wish. So she lay in her room crying.

Padmavati's parents did not know why she was sick. They conducted rites in temples and called on doctors to get her help. They were worried about her.

In Seshachala the Lord was love sick too. Vakula Devi saw his plight and assured him "I will go to Narayanapura and discuss your matter with Akas Raj. I will persuade him to marry you and Padmavati. I am giving you my word. So don't worry".

Lord was happy to hear Vakula Devi's assurances. But he was not entirely sure if she can persuade the king and the queen. This is a matter of establishing a relationship with royalty. He was thinking in various directions about how to make it happen. Then he came up with a plan. He would disguise himself as a fortune teller, enter the fort and meet the king and queen before Vakula Devi met them and inform them that Padmavati was destined to marry Srinivasa

Lord In The Guise Of A Fortune Teller

The next moment the Lord transformed himself into the guise of a woman fortune teller. She wore several necklaces, held a stick in one hand and a basket in the other. She walked on the streets of Narayanapura and stopped at the royal fort.

The royal maids noticed the fortune teller. They ran to the queen and said "Your highness, after a long time we are being visited by a fortune teller. Can we invite her and ask about the princess?". The queen readily agreed and invited the fortune teller into the fort.

Lord was happy that the plan was working. He stepped into the fort with elation.

The queen said "Can you tell what the future holds for my daughter?" Lord in disguise said "Yes, of course". The maids brought a disinterested Padmavati and made her extend her left hand palm for the fortune teller.

The fortune teller prayed to the gods and invited all of them to see to it that what she tells will come true. And then she began singing

"Listen, child, I will describe your future Listen to me as I don't tell lies You are approaching marriage days Don't worry about yourself After seeing a man in the garden You secretly hold his image in your heart You have been love struck ever since You liked him for his heart is like butter He too is suffering after seeing you He is longing for you You got him struck with stones He is none other than the Lord Narayana He is here on earth with the name Srinivasa Come what may he will marry you He will make all of your dreams come true You will be very fortunate The marriage will happen soon An old woman will come to make the match Don't hesitate and say yes to her May you be blessed and married!"

Padmavati reminisced the events in the royal garden. The queen was fascinated with all the things the fortune teller was saying. She gave her presents and sent her off. That night the Lord appeared in Padmavati's dreams and reiterated that he would marry her by showing all of his escapades.

Vakula Devi's Visit To Narayanapura

The Lord returned to asram in his usual form. Vakula Devi offered him fruits to eat. The Lord said "Mother, you have to go to Narayanapura early in the morning tomorrow. On the way visit Kapila maharshi and Vasishta maharshi. Seek their blessings and your mission will be successful."

The next day Vakula Devi left for Narayanapura. As the Lord instructed, she stopped at Kapila ashram and Vasishta asram and sought their blessings. At the outskirts of Narayanapura, outside a Siva temple she met a large group of married women. She enquired the reason for they being there: "Are you performing abhisheka for Siva?" One of the maids said "The abhisheka is being done by our king. A few days ago when the princess Padmavati was in the royal garden, a hunter accosted her and left after small talk. From then on she won't eat, won't sleep or won't talk. To help her recover the king is performing this ritual. What about you? It seems you are coming from afar".

"I live in Venkatachala. My name is Vakula. My son's name is Srinivasa. I came to speak with your king and queen. Please take me to them" said Vakula. After the abhisheka the maids took her to the royal fort.

The maids introduced Vakula Devi to the king and queen. The king said: "Lady, you look like a sage. You have made us holy by your visit. Please let us know the reason for your visit."

"My name is Vakula. I live in Seshadri. I serve a son like person called Srinivasa. I was sent by him to meet you" said Vakula.

"Please tell us the message" said the royal couple.

"I came to seek the hand of Padmavati for marriage with Srinivasa. They are made for each other" said Vakula.

The royal couple wanted to know Srinivasa's gotra and his parents.

"Srinivasa belongs to Chandra vamsa. His gotra is Vasishta. His parents are Devaki and Vasudeva. His brother is Balabhadra and sister is Subhadra. His birth star is Sravana. He is a divine incarnate. No man in the universe can match him. As your daughter is like Lakshmi Devi, I think they make a wonderful couple" said Vakula Devi.

The royal couple felt happy. They said, "Vakula, we thank you for being open with us. We will pass on the information to Raj Guru and send you a message soon. From now on your are part of our family."

That night the Lord appeared in Akas Raj's dream and said "O king, don't hesitate. My mother Vakula Devi informed all about me. But your queen is still hesitating. Please perform our marriage without doubts". Akas Raj woke up and conveyed his dream to the queen. The queen said she got a similar dream.

Lord's Marriage Proposal Accepted

The royal couple deliberated about Padmavati's marriage to the Lord. They finally decided to go ahead with the marriage. The king sent his brother Tondaman to bring the Raj Guru Suka yogi for consultation.

Suka yogi came to the king's court. After being seated, the king narrated the events leading up to his decision to offer Padmavati in marriage to Srinivasa. Suka yogi said "O king, you are very fortunate. Srinivasa is the avatar of Srimannarayana. If the Lord wants to be your son-in-law, what else do you want? Don't hesitate about giving the hand of your daughter to Srinivasa. This is the best thing that is happening to the world."

After taking the advice of Suka yogi, the royal couple totally acceded the marriage. Then the king prayed for his family guru Bruhaspati. He told Bruhaspati: "After a long time we could see you. The important news I want to share with you is that there is a sage called Vakula Devi living in Seshachala. Lord Srinivasa is presently living in her asram. We would like to give our daughter's hand in marriage to him. Raj Guru Suka has agreed to this marriage. We would like you to fix an auspicious time for the marriage and inform the Lord personally".

Bruhaspati replied: "King, you are very fortunate. Do you know who is Srinivasa? He is the avatar of Lord Vishnu who lives in Vaikunta. He came down to earth as god in Kali yuga. Presently he wants to become your son-in-law. At the moment, Lakshmi Devi is not in Vaikunta. So he is roaming on earth. Don't waste any time in performing the marriage."

Bruhaspati and Suka looked up panchanga and made the calculations of planetary position and decided Vaisakha Sudha Dasimi as the auspicious moment to perform the marriage. They sent Suka maharshi with the wedding invitation to the Lord.

In Seshadri the Lord was wondering what kind of reply he would get from Akas Raj. As Suka was approaching his asram he received him warmly and made him seated. "O sage, your presence has made this Seshadri mountain sacred. Are all the spiritual seekers safe? It seems you have come from afar. Where from are you coming?" To which Suka replied: "O Lord, holding the fourteen bhuvanas in your abdomen, do you not know? I have come to give you good news." The Lord interrupted him and anxiously said: "Did the plan of mine work out or not?"

Suka replied: "O denizen of Seshadri. I was sent here by Akas Raj to deliver this wedding invitation. Please accept this and give me a written reply."

The Lord was excited to read the invitation. He read it aloud in front of Vakula Devi. She felt greatly elated. He thanked Suka and persuaded to stay in the asram until he could reply: "King's king, the ruler with dharma, I am Srinivasa living in Seshadri offering you my namaskaram. On Vaisakha Sudha Dasimi falling on a Friday, I and my entourage will come for the wedding. On behalf of my cohorts in the asram I offer obeisance."

Thus the Lord wrote with his own hands his acceptance of the wedding invitation.

Lord Is Bereft Of Marriage Expense

Ever since sending off Suka Maharshi, the Lord was once again in deep depression. Vakula Devi enquired "Why are you so glum Srinivasa? You have accomplished the task in your hands". Lord said, "Mother, the wedding day is approaching. I am a pauper. I am unable to figure out how to perform the marriage." Vakula Devi said, "Is this worth fretting? Your wife is the goddess of wealth. Why don't you get it from her?" "She left me and Vaikuntah as you know on my account. Why would she give me the money? Besides she wouldn't approve of my marriage with Padmavati", said the Lord. "Let me go talk to Varaha Swami" said Vakula Devi.

On seeing Vakula Devi, Varaha Swami asked "Hope all are safe. Where is Srinivasa?". Vakula Devi narrated how Srinivasa fell in love with Padmavati, her trip to the royal family, the acceptance of marriage, wedding invitation by Suka Maharshi and how the Lord was depressed over lack of money. Varaha Swami smiled and said "I am very happy to hear about Srinivasa's marriage. The event will take place without any obstacles. Lord Brahma, Iswara, Indra and Kubera will come and bless the couple. He need not worry about money. Ask him to cheer up."

Vakula Devi returned to her asram and apprised Srinivasa about her conversation with Varaha Swami. He then summoned Garutmanta and Seshu and gave them two wedding invitations to be delivered to Lords Brahma and Siva.

The news about Padmavati-Srinivasa wedding spread all over the worlds. Sage Narada visited the Lord in Seshadri.

"Narada! I am penniless. Is it a small matter to marry a prince endowed with wealth? I am bereft of Lakshmi. Hence I am a pauper. I don't know how to perform this marriage" said the Lord.

"Lord of lords, savior of the worlds, if you are depressed over money, then what about common people? I will take responsibility to perform your marriage", said Narada. He then summoned all the Gods to Seshadri. Brahma and Saraswati arrived on their swan. Siva along with Parvati, Kumara Swami, Ganesh and ganas arrived at Seshadri.

Lord Takes Loan From Kubera

Along with them came Indra, Varuna, Agni, Kubera, Ashta Dikpalakas, Deva Ganas to Seshadri. Lord arranged proper seats for them. "Dear all, my marriage with princess Padmavati is set on Vaisakha Suddha Dasimi at an auspicious time in the night. I am grateful that you responded to my wedding invitation", said the Lord.

After that the Lord started shaking. His eyes were rolling in tears. Seeing the change in the demanor of the Lord, the devas became anxious and asked "Why so much anguish in your face? Please tell us the reason." Srinivasa spoke, "Dear friends, what can I say? I arranged this marriage all by myself. Is it proper to get married without getting the approval of Lakshmi Devi? I am committing a sin. Without her approval I won't marry Padmavati." The gods were dismayed. Then Brahma came forward and said "Lord, don't worry. I will send Surya to Kollapuri and bring her here."

Surya met Lakshmi Devi and narrated the events at Seshadri. Lakshmi Devi was fascinated and perplexed. Surya said "Mother, don't worry. This marriage has to happen with your involvement. If not, the Lord will be deeply depressed." To which Lakshmi Devi replied "Don't say more. I will sacrifice anything for my husband. I left him and have been living in this asram. For the well being of my husband I will perform any sacrifice."

When Lakshmi Devi arrived at Seshadri everyone was elated. Ashta Dikpalakas, Parvati, Saraswati, Anasuya and other ladies received her warmly. Sage Narada got up and said "After seeing Lord's marriage ceremony we will all be blessed. But to perform the marriage he needs lot of money. Since he is without Siri, there is no way he can come up with enough money unless Kubera helps the Lord." Then he turned to Kubera and said "There is no one in the world who is as rich as yourself. So you have to part with enough money the Lord needs for the marriage".

Kubera acceded to the request. "What better way to use my wealth other than to perform Lord's marriage", he said.

The Lord said to Kubera "I will pay you interest until the end of Kali yuga and repay you the principal after returning to Vaikunta." Kubera agreed to it. He gave the Lord golden ornaments and money necessary for the wedding.

The Lord wrote the agreement with Kubera. Brahma and Siva signed as witnesses.

Kamadhenu and Kalpa tree provided a feast for all those celebrating with joy.

Lord's Entourage Heads To Narayanapura

Now that the money issue was settled, Lord invited Viswa Karma to build huge dormitories to house the visitors to Seshadri. Garlands made of flowers were hung all over the mountain. Perfume was spread. The wedding muhurat was approaching. Lord sent Garutmanta to bring all the deva ganas, apsaras and others. They all arrived at Seshadri. To perform mangala snana Garutmanta brought water from holy rivers. The goddesses performed mangala snana. Afterwards he was decorated with various ornaments. The Lord bejewelled was the most handsome in the entire universe. Later, the Lord went to Varaha Swami and sought his blessing.

The devas have ascended on their respective vahanas. Saraswati and Brahma on hamsa vahana, Siva and Parwati on nandi vahana, Indra, Varuna, Agni, Kubera and the rest travelled on their vahans. The Lord took along the priest Vasishta on Garuda vahana.

As they were traveling soon it fell dark. They decided to stop at Suka Maharshi's asram. Suka was very delighted to receive the Lord and his entourage. He served them a feast with his spiritual powers.

Next morning the Lord continued his journey to Narayanapura. Meanwhile in the Narayanapura all the streets were decorated with floral garlands. The denizes painted the roads with gem stones. The whole city was like Vaikunta. Alerted by his soldiers, Akas Raj came to the city outskirts to receive the Lord and his entourage. He made the Lord sit on a bedecked elephant that rode him through the streets. Then with his wife Dharani Devi he formally invited the Lord to the stage where the marriage would be performed.

Lord's Marriage With Padmavati

Vasishta on the groom side and Bruhaspati on the bride side were conducting the rites. At the muhurat time, the Lord tied the mangala sutra around Padmavati's neck. They then splurged in pearls and other gem stones. Devas showered flowers on them. Thus the marriage of the Lord with Padmavati was performed in the presence of gods, sages and royals.

The elders at the ceremony blessed the couple with golden rice. Vakula Devi was more than happy for having witnessed Lord's marriage.

Akas Raj gave the Lord one crore pices of gold and various ornaments that were adorned on the hands, ankles and the body. After sighting Arundhati star, the Lord made Kubera donate gifts to the brahmins and others who attended the ceremony. Everyone was happy that the ceremony proceeded without any obstacles. Goddess Lakshmi Devi was crying in happiness.

The following day, the Lord and Padvati took leave of Akas Raj, Dharani Devi, Tondaman, Vasudhama and others. Everyone was sad to see them go.

On the way back they stopped at the Agastya asram. Then Lord expressed: "The learned brahmins tell us that newly weds should not climb mountains for six months after marriage. So can we stay here?" Sage Agastya readily agreed to serve him. The rest of the entourage went in different directions from whence they came. Vakula Devi returned to Seshadri. Lakshmi Devi went to Kollapuri.

Akas Raj's Denouement

The Lord and Padmavati were living in the Agastya asram. One day a messenger came from Narayanapura with the message "Akas Raj is in death's throes. He lost his eye sight." The Lord went to Narayanapura with Padmavati. He touched Akas Raj who was unconscious. Akas Raja came to consciousness. He said "Srinivasa, you have come. My brother Tondaman and my son Vasudhama are innocent beings. Please protect them". Then he turned to Padmavati and said "Please follow the footsteps of Srinivasa and make our two families great". After that Akas Raj passed away. Dharani Devi committed sati sahagamana on Akas Raj's pyre.

Soon after cremating Akas Raj and Dharani Devi, Lord and Padmavati returned to Agastya asram. Meanwhile, Narayanapura was without a king. The city was falling apart. Tondaman and Vasudhama vied with each other to be the king. Eventually, they decided to go to war. Tondaman came to Agastya asram and sought Lord's help. The Lord said "Uncle, if I take your side, Padmavati will feel sad. She hasn't even fully overcome the grief of losing her father. But I will give you my Sudarsan disc which you can use in the war. It will make you victorious". Saying so, he gave his disc to Tondaman. Then Vasudhama came and said "Brother-in-law, it seems I and Tondaman are going to war. Please stand by my side." Padmavati also beseeched the Lord to protect her brother in the event of a war. The Lord agreed to be with Vasudhama and went to Narayanapura with him.

War Between Tondaman and Vasudhama

In Narayanapura Tondaman was ready with elephants, horses, chariots and soldiers to fight with Vasudhama. With Lord's help Vasudhama also assembled his soldiers. Tondaman released the Sudarsan disc on Vasudhama. The Lord who is the master of the universe came in between the disc and Vasudhama. Due to the power of the disc, the Lord became unconscious. A temporary truce was made between the warring factions. After he became conscious, Tondaman with tears in his eyes said "Lord, I released the Sudarsana disc on Vasudhama and you came between them. I committed great sin. I don't want to be the king. I will go to Kasi and absolve myself of the sin." Lord said "Vasudhama have you heard the sacrifice your uncle is willing to make? So think of a plan."

"Lord, the savior of the world, you protected me from the wrath of Sudarsana disc. So I am the real sinner. I will go to Kasi and Rameswaram to do penance. Please make my uncle the king" said Vasudhama after falling on the feet of the Lord.

The Lord suggested that the kingdom be divided into two and each of Tondaman and Vasudhama rule them. Thus the Lord put an end to their rivalry.

Lord Orders Tondaman To Build A Temple

Tondaman is a great devotee of Sri Maha Vishnu. Not a moment passes without chanting Lord's name. After the arrival of gods and sages for the wedding, he realized that Srinivasa is none other than Lord Vishnu. Also Sudarsana disc is the weapon of Sri Maha Vishnu. If Srinivasa has it, it means he is the Lord Vishnu. One day he visited the Lord and said "Lord of the universe, please release me from this sinful life. Please grant me salvation."

Lord was impressed with Tondaman's devotion and showed his viswarup. Earlier in Dwapara yuga, he showed his viswarup to Arjuna. Then he said "Uncle, you thought I was a common man. Due to some reasons, I had to come to earth. In the course of events I married Padmavati. I will reside in Venkatadri until the end of Kali yuga. So build a temple for Padmavati, Lakshmi Devi and myself. You and Vasudhama divided the wealth of Akas Raj equally. My wife has to receive her share. With that money you can build the temple for us. Varaha Swami has an asram on the mountain. If you tell your plan, he will show you a suitable place to build the temple. Then recruit Viswa Karma to build two gopuras, seven door ways, a dining hall, a place for the cows and so on. After that we can enter the temple." Tondaman was very happy to be at the service of the Lord. He said "Your wish my duty, Lord. I will build the template under any circumstances."

Viswa Karma built a huge temple with dwaja sthamba, prakaras and other facilities. He even built a place for Varaha Swami.

While the Lord was still in Agastya asram, Sage Narada visited Lakshmi Devi in Kollapuri. The goddess offered him a seat and enquired about the Lord. Narada said "What can I say about the Lord who has been spending all of his time with Padmavati? He has no other thought but Padmavati. He seems to have forgotten you. It is better that you go to him."

Even though Lakshmi Devi went to the Lord's wedding, she was unhappy ever since. Narada's words added fuel to the fire. She felt very angry. Immediately she went to the Agastya asram with Narada.

Goddess Lakshmi Devi Confronts Padmavati

When she arrived at the asram, the Lord was engaged with Padmavati. On seeing the Lord in romance, she started crying. She said, "Lord, I am your first wife. Even though you are passionate about Padmavati, I am the one who has been occupying your chest. Is it fair for you to forget about me?"

This made Padmavati retort "Who are you? Is it fair to interrupt when a couple is in privacy? Aren't you a woman?" Lakshmi Devi shot back "It seems you have gained control of my husband. Are you calling him your exclusive lover?". Padmavati fired the salvo "You have become a sanyasini. How can you reclaim my husband whom I married before the gods?"

Thus the arguments between the two ladies were raging. They were pulling the Lord in different directions and ignoring his pleadings. The Lord lost his coolness and took seven steps backwards and turned into an idol with a big sound. When the ladies looked behind, the Lord was in stone. They were totally flabbergasted. They began crying "Lord, my Lord". Then the Lord spoke "Dear wives, please don't feel sad. From now on until the end of Kali yuga I will be in this form to fulfill the wishes of my devotees."

Lord Unravels The Mystery of Padmavati

Then the Lord said: "Lakshmi, who do you think Padmavati is? When I was Rama and you were Sita, Agni God substituted you with the maya Sita when Ravana tried to kidnap you. After vanquishing Ravana, when I asked you to enter Agni, he brought you and maya Sita and asked me to pick. After I picked you, I gave my word to her that I will marry her in Kali yuga. That Vedavati is now Padmavati. She is born in the same star as yours". The two ladies reconciled after hearing the Lord's words and hugged each other.

Lord Resolves To Protect Dharma

The Lord instructed the ladies to reside in his chest. Then he said, "I have taken a loan from Kubera and promised him to pay interest until the end of Kali yuga after which I will pay the principal. So Lakshmi, stay in my chest and share it with Padmavati." This made the ladies happy.

The Lord then ordered that a temple be built near Suka asram for Padmavati. A pond in the temple would be full of lotuses and Lakshmi Devi would reside in them. The devotees who visit the temple would be blessed by them.

Tondaman moved the Lord's idol to the temple he built for him. That is the Tirumala Tirupati temple. That temple is on top of seven hills. It has been called the Kali yuga Vaikunta. Tondaman also constructed a temple for Varaha Swami.

The Yasoda who raised Sri Krishna, finally fulfilled her wish to witness Lord's wedding. She has served Varaha Swami and the Lord by arranging his marriage. She turned into a garland and wrapped around the idol's neck.

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