Friday, June 28, 2024

Bhagavata Skanda 12 Eng HTML Final



To tide over Kali yuga, singing the Lord's praises is the key. The grace of the Lord can only be felt by the hymns. Those singing praises of the Lord with ardent devotion will easily be liberated.

The river Ganga is considered holy because it cleanses sin when one bathes in it, drinks its water or touches it. With the arrival of Sri Krishna, river Ganga lost its glory. Both Ganga and Sri Krishna's praises can cleanse our sins. But only Sri Krishna's praises can offer salvation.

Tukaram sang"Panduranga, the holy Ganga that can remove the stress of devotees flows from your feet. By chanting your name we have been uplifted from sin"

There are thirteen chapters in this Skanda. The first six chapters cover the conversation between Suka Brahma and Pareekshit. The rest will encompass the discourse of Soota to the Sounaka et al.

Pareekshit wanted to know who ruled the earth after Sri Krishna's egress. Suka Brahma said the last born in Bhruhadratha dynasty called Puranjaya became the king. His minister Sunaka killed him and made his son Pradyota as the king. Palaka was the son of Pradyota. His son was Visakhayoopa whose son was Janaka. Nandi Vardha was the son of Janaka. Sisnaabha was his son whose son is Kaakapaksha. Kshemadhanva was his son. His son was Kshetraja. Kshatradharmaja was the son of Kshetraja. Mourya dynasty came much later. Chandragupta and Asoka were mentioned.



In Kali yuga kings will be cruel and make their kingdoms topsy turvy. Brahmins will not undergo thread ceremonies and don't follow the karma prescribed by veda. Kings ingesting cow meat rule the land and torment their subjects.

The people will be arguing about the character and tradition of kings. This leads to quarrels among them. Some will perish by the ire of the kings. Dharma will shrink. Truth will be hard to find. Kindness shrivels. One's greatness is determined by the amount of wealth he is able to gather. Whatever the wealthy class call dharma and justice will be followed. Based on the riches one is measured as noble and chaste.

In daily buy-sell transactions the gift of gab will rule. Dharma will be ignored. Men and women move about based on mutual attraction rather than tradition. A brahmin will be satisfied with thread marriage and won't do the daily salutations to the sun.

Marriages will be performed without the traditional rationality. Here money rules but not good character. People ignore dharma in order to fill their stomachs. One flouting dharma will reiterate himself as a follower of dharma and people will support him. A truthful person is nowhere to be found.

When people do some good, it is for fame. Thus, the kingdoms will be full of people of low character. There will be famines that prompt migration of people. Diseases run rampant. Because of diseases, the longevity of people will be diminished. The people adhering to vedas will be rare. The rulers turn out to be thieves. Consequently the subjects will be resorting to thievery and living with lies. They will be violent. Marriages between genetically unsuitable people will be performed. To restore Dharma god will be born with sattva guna in a village called Sambala to a brahmin called Vishnuyasassu. He will be known as Kalki who rides a horse called Devadatta. He slays cruel and violent people including kings. His reign is followed by Kruta yuga.

Suka Maharshi said"As soon as Sri Krishna avatara ended Kali yuga started. In this yuga people are bent on committing sin. Kingdoms are not permanent. So many kings ruled and died on this land. Those believing body is permanent and carrying out sinful acts will end up in hell"

"The kings in Kali yuga think that since they inherited the kingdom from their parents, their children must get the kingdom regardless of qualification. They don't know about self and will consider the whole earth as their domain. So many kings ruled this earth. By being arrogant they perished and left us their stories after they are gone" said Sukha Maharshi.

Time won't forgive anyone. Only dharma follows us after death. People of good character and virtuous will follow dharma no matter what situation they are thrown in. Following them is the way to attain salvation.



Suka Maharshi was telling Pareekshit that kings wanted to conquer the land. They might conquer some of it, but could they live long enough? The earth was laughing at the royals who were puppets in the hands of the lord of death.

Every king said"This land is mine". But how long could he say that? Goddess earth was amused even the intelligent ones among the kings were unable to grasp the truth. The kings waged wars and desired to conquer the world without realizing that death was close by.

A king who earns fame by conquering land and destroying enemies is not any more greater than an ascetic conquering his senses. In reality the senses are the man's enemies. The senses that are closeby are dangerous enemies rather than the men afar whom we consider as enemies. The ascetic who conquers senses is eligible to receive unlimited fruit.

"The kings came and went. Even then those still alive are unable to grasp the truth. The love of royalty creates bondage. The parents and children could become mutually hating enemies. Similarly brothers become enemies to one another. The earth that belongs to none will be fought over resulting in death."

"King, I told you the truths revealed by Goddess Earth. It is also called Bhoomi Gita. There is no higher purpose to know about the various kings. I wanted to create dispassion in you with Bhoomi Gita. When all inauspiciousness is removed, the mind will be fully focused on Lord Krishna" said Suka Brahma.

The emperors like Sagana, Maandhaati; demons like Hiranyakasipu, Vrutra, Ravana; coveted kingdoms, spent their lives for them and ended up in cremation ground without achieving anything. Suka Maharshi told Pareekshit the clamor for kingdom was a delusion worthy of giving up. Only chanting Lord Hari's name was the sole refuge for a seeker of liberation.

Pareekshit asked"Please tell me how to overcome the faults of Kali. Also please tell me about yugas and the dharma associated with them. What are cataclysm (pralayam), kalpa (a day of Brahma Deva)?"

Suka Maharshi said"In Kruta yuga dharma stands on four legs: truth, kindness, penance and almsgiving. People will be content with control over senses and kindness for others. They will me meditative and equanimous"

"In Treta yuga, dharma loses one fourth of the four legs. People perform three fourths of each leg. They add lies, violence, unhappiness and enmity to truth, kindness, penance and almsgiving."

"In Dwapara yuga, dharma loses one half of each of its four legs. Lies, violence, unhappiness, enmity will combine with equal amounts of truth, kindness, penance and almsgiving. In Kali yuga, only one fourth of the dharma's legs have the auspicious qualities. Over time they too will be destroyed" said Suka Maharshi.

"In Kali yuga people will be covetous, perform wicked acts bereft of kindness. They start fights without reason and are greedy. Whereas in Kruta yuga sattva guna, in Treta yuga rajas, in Dwapara yuga rajas and tamas, in Kali yuga tamas will be predominant."

"The influence of Kali is indescribable. Because of Kali the retarded, ignorant, gluttonous, lustful people will be prominent including women with unfettered freedom. The rulers will be sucking the life out of their subjects."

"Bandits and thieves proliferate. Atheists condemn what is in vedas. People will be subservient to carnal lust. Even brahmins will be seeking every sensual and carnal pleasure. Celibates won't perform the necessary rituals. Householders rather than giving alms, seek alms from others. The retired people will be living amidst civilization rather than forests. Sanyasis will be greedy. Women will be shorter and have many children. They speak harshly and won't have shame"

"Servants will go against their masters. People will be suffering with famines. They quarrel amongst themselves for money. The aging parents are neglected and obeisance to god is a rare sight"

"King, even though Kali yuga has many faults, it has a caveat that all men can take advantage of. Thus the key to overcome Kali is available in itself. All of Kali's faults are mitigated by the Lord Krishna's name" said Suka Maharshi.

The glory


The pleasure obtained from chanting the Lord's names is indescribable. One can attain paramatma through chanting his name. This is the real fortune of Kali yuga when by chanting the Lord's name one can attain liberation.

The other side of the coin is praising the Lord's gunas and escapades. One has to be emotionally attached to the Lord and be his devotee. Then one with love has to sing the Lord's praises.

Suka Brahma said"Just as the fire within gold will make the impurities go away, when the Lord Narayana is situated in the heart and mind, they will be purified"

A man spends most of the day earning money and then sleeps. Why doesn't he spend the sleeping time to make more wealth? It is because sleep is very essential to his survival. Similarly chanting the Lord's name everyday is a must like food and sleep.

There is no set time to chant. Nor a location. One can chant at all times and places. Mind can recall the memories, just as it can forget them. A hymn reminds the mind about the Lord. So chanting hymns has to become second nature.

Garuda Purana said"Don't be afraid of the fire like quality of sin. The fire of the sin will be doused by the rain from the clouds of Lord's name"

Suka Maharshi said"In Kali yuga singing Lord's praises will yield the same benefit as chanting Lord Vishnu's name in Kruta yuga, performing yagna in Treta yuga and serving others in Dwapara yuga"

Chaitanya Maha Prabhu said"In Kali yuga there is no other refuge than Lord' name. Hence pray to Hari"

Tulasi Das said"Yoga, yagna and transcendental knowledge won't help in Kali yuga. There is no other way than singing the praises of Lord Rama's gunas"

In Adi Purana Achyuta told to Arjuna"I am indebted to one who always chants my name and lives close to me"

Those reciting Lord's name in between daily activities like eating and walking, will get the most benefit from the Lord. If one can intermix feelings of love and devotion such praises will yield most effect and cleanse the impurities of mind and intellect

Creation and Devolution


Pareekshit asked Suka Maharshi about creation and destruction of the universe. Suka said thus. One kalpa is the time of creation. When the four yugas repeat a thousand times, then it will be one day for Brahma. During this time, earth will be ruled by fourteen manus. A kalpa can be an ordinary one or maha. Pralaya is a cataclysm when the universe will be underwater.

The first kind of pralaya is naimittika. This happens when it is night for Brahma. During this time Lord Narayana keeps all the life in him and lies on Adi Seshu in yoga nidra.

The second kind of pralaya is prakrutika. After day and night for Brahma, all the five basic elements, mahat, ahankaara and the seven prakrutis will be subject to pralaya. During this time, for a hundred years, there won't be any rains. People kill each other for food. Later the universe will be subjected to intense heat by the sun. Then clouds are gathered by the wind and they will rain for a hundred years. Everything will be submerged under water.

The third kind of pralaya is atyantika which means salvation. All life will be merged with Brahma. One can ask when the world is as real as self, how can it merge? Like a snake superimposed on a rope, paramatma is seen as the world. So when paramatma is realized the illusion of the world will disappear. Since intellect is also seen, it is also unreal. Along with it the three states of existence: wakeful, dream sleep, deep sleep are also unreal.

There is no multiplicity in a real entity like Self. The multiplicity is only perceived when one sees self in different bodies. Accordingly, each body will have an ego that will fall when self is realized.

When a cloud cover recedes, the sun will be seen by the eye. Similarly when a jiva realizes self, resulting in the fall of ego, then Brahma will come to experience.

The fourth kind of pralaya is nitya or perennial. This is the flow of time when the current instance of time will undergo laya (destruction) and a new instance of time will take its place. Like a pot with a hole, holding water, leaks constantly, the body is withering away with each passing moment. Like a wick lamp that shines at one time and turns off at another, a river that flows with water becomes dry at a later time, body is coming and moving out of existence. This is the nitya pralaya.

Fear of Death


Suka Maharshi advised Pareekshit to lose fear over death. He said"You are not limited by time. The body comes and falls in time. You were there before birth and will be there after the death as birth and death are only for the body. People not knowing this will feel sad over death. Please remove this ignorance out of your mind"

A pot is finite, whereas the sky is limitless. Because of the containers they are held in, one calls the space inside a pot also as sky. When the pot breaks, the sky inside the pot merges with the sky outside. This is a misperception because the two never were separated. Can the limitless sky ever break into pieces? A pot was made with a timestamp. Hence it will break. The sky has neither beginning nor ending. Similarly a body will fall but the self will always be there. Just as the sky in the pot merges with the sky outside, the self of a jiva will be merged with the Self of paramatma.

Mind attributes body, gunas and karma to the self because of maya. The bondage of jiva is due to maya. The self was never in bondage and won't grow or shrink. Hence the mind should be devolved into self. When the mind which is the cause devolves the effect called the world disappears.

"Lord Vishnu's exalted place is where mind devolves" said Upanishad. When there is fire, there is smoke. Conversely without fire there is no smoke. Without the body, a product of maya, there is no world.

Varaha Upanishad said"One has to renounce the duality associated with multiplicity and realize that the vital force in the heart is self"

"King, keep your mind concentrated in such a state. The serpent Takshaka can't do anything to you. How can the vital force have death?"

"Takshaka provoked by Srungi's curse can't annihilate you. How can death approach one who has mastered death? Pareekshit, being self realized, Takshaka may annihilate your body but not your self" said Suka Maharshi.

"King, I answered all of your questions about the escapades of Sri Hari. Let me know what else you want to hear" said Suka Brahma

In Naimisa forest Soota was telling Sounaka et al."Pareekshit after listening to the Sri Hari's escapades from Suka Yogi prostrated before him"

"Father, please give me permission. I will restrain my senses, mind, intellect, make my heart free from desires, and focus on paramatma. My ignorance was removed by your discourse on self realization" said Pareekshit.

After Suka Brahma left, Pareekshit entered yoga samadhi. Takshaka started his journey to fulfill Srungi's curse. On the way he met a brahmin called Kasyapa. He realized that the brahmin had the power to neutralize his venom and thus save King Pareekshit. To test him, he spread his venom on a tree which immediately was reduced to ashes. The brahmin gave the anti-dote and the tree sprung back to life. Takshaka gave him whatever money he desired and sent him back. He then transformed into a brahmin and arrived at the banks of river Ganga.

Katha Upanishad said"One who realizes self before the body withers will be free from all calamities. One not knowing this will be reborn"

Much before Takshaka came, Pareekshit renounced his body by merging with self. Takshaka didn't know how to kill a person transcending death. He stung the body that was inert like dry wood. The venom destroyed Pareekshit's body. Soota Maharshi felt this was like an act a son would do to the father when he died.

Pareekshit was reduced to ashes. Devas beat the drums. Gandharvas showered flowers on earth. Janamejaya came to know that his father was annihilated. He summoned brahmins and started a yagna to kill all serpents. Various serpents rained down on the fire and were annihilated. Takshaka ran to Indra and sought his protection.

Janamejaya came to know about Takshaka's ploy. He ordered the brahmins to pull him along with Indra. So both Indra and Takshaka were being pulled into the fire. Watching this extraordinary spectacle, the son of Angeerasa, Bruhaspati said"King Janamejaya, it is not fair to kill the king of serpents Takshaka. Jivas experience birth and death based on karma. One should not blame others for his happiness or sadness. Please don't think that the reason for your father's death is Takshaka. Jivas perish in time. There has to be a reason for men to die like: snakes, thieves, fire, water, famine, illness and so on. There is no choice for a jiva. Hence this yagna to kill all serpents better be stopped"

Janamejaya followed Bruhaspati's advice and stopped the yaga. He worshiped Bruhaspati and went back to his palace.

The mind that blames others for one's condition is dangerous. The mind with ignorance sees faults in others. Soota told Sounka et al. that a devotee of Lord Vishnu refraining from blaming others and enmity with others will attain the Lord.



"Mahatma, we heard that Markandeya rishi during cataclysm saw a child on a banyan tree leaf. Please tell us about him" said Saunaka to Soota

After thread marriage, Makandeya learnt vedas from his father. He was resplendent with penance, celibacy. He followed dharma and always was peaceful. He spent his time in meditation.

Indra wanted to put obstacles to Markandeya's penance and sent apsarasas, Manmatha, the cupid, and others. They approached Markandeya's ashram that was beautiful with trees, birds, lakes and such. Manmatha and cohorts tried their best to distract the ascetic but didn't succeed.

Like a lad who wakes up a sleeping snake and runs away after it wakes up, Indra's cohorts returned to heaven. Markandeya remained unperturbed and steadfast to his penance. Indra was amazed with the penance of the ascetic.

Lord Vishnu appeared before Markandeya in Nara-Narayana forms. Markandeya prostrated before them and worshiped them."Lord, you are all pervading, the substance of all forms, the creator, the destroyer. You are the refuge for the jivas caught in bondage. By serving you jivas fulfill their desires. I surrender to you" said Markandeya. Lord said "Brahmarshi, you restrained the mind and with unflinching devotion performed penance. I am impressed with your penance and wanted to satisfy you. Please tell me your wish".

Markandeya said"Lord, you take care of those surrendering to you. What else can I ask you? By your appearance you fulfilled all of my wishes. I want to see your form every day. That's all I ask for. That's my ardent wish. Because you encouraged me to seek a boon, I will ask for one. I am eager to experience your maya."

Lord Vishnu agreed and went to Badarika ashram.

Vishnu Maya


One day as Markandeya was performing salutation to sun, on the bank of river Pushpabhadra, a storm raged. Soon the weather turned inclement. The oceans roared and the rivers swirled with whirlpools. The entire land was covered with cosmic waters. The ascetic was confused and remained in fear like a blind person. He went adrift with waves in the darkness. He was tired and weak. At that juncture he saw a child glowing like the sun on a leaf.

The child was in bluish hue and had a great aura. The ascetic got closer to the child. He was sucked into the child's body by its breath. There inside the child he saw the world as it was before the cosmic flood. He was amazed and happy. Earth, Devas-Asuras, insects, cattle, birds, people, villages, countries, Himalayas, his ashram were all visible to him. Just as he entered, he came out with the child's exhalation back into the cosmic waters. Out of curiosity he tried to hug the child who disappeared. Along with it the cosmic waters also disappeared. He found himself back in the ashram.

The only real thing is the self. The intellect perceives dualities which is as frightening as cataclysm. Intellect watches self with dismay like the ascetic seeing the child. On approaching, he will merge with the child as both are instances of the same self. Since self is the only reality, it is all encompassing. Unable to discern this, men are trying to seek pleasure in the world. This is futile as all happiness is within.

The collective is not different from the individual. This is what the ascetic gained by witnessing Lord's maya. Everything other than the Lord is maya. By recalling his experience with maya, he remained in bliss. He went into samadhi.

Maheswara with Markandeya


Once Goddess Parvati and Lord Siva were moving in the sky and sighted Markandeya who was in deep samadhi. Paravati Devi said the ascetic was like the peace that returns after a storm and he should be granted a wish.

Lord Siva said"Devi, that ascetic is without a wish. He transcended all desires with ardent devotion toward Lord Vishnu. He is not even interested in salvation. I will still try"

The Lord and his wife approached the ascetic who did not look at them as he was in deep meditation. He was unaware of the world around him. Knowing about the ascetic, Lord Siva entered the sky in his heart ("dahara aakasa"). That made the ascetic come back to senses. Recognizing the Lord and the Goddess he saluted and worshiped them.

Lord Siva was satisfied and offered boons to him. He said"Maharshi, by the boons Trimoortis grant to the ascetics, they are able to gain liberation. Our ardent devotees are brahmins with good conduct; people who are peaceful, not seeking company of others, loving other creatures, not quarreling with anyone, equanimous. They are worthy of worship. We Trimoortis regard them highly."

"Men have to worship rivers, idols, Devas for a long time before they can be turned holy. Whereas ascetics like you make them holy just by sighting you. We salute the brahmins who do yoga samadhi, penance and adorn themselves with vedas. The sinners upon chanting your name, by seeing you or talking to you will be cleansed of their sins" said Lord Siva.

Markandeya was unimpressed by Lord Siva's hyperbole. After experiencing Lord Vishnu's maya and listening to the gracious words of Lord Siva, the ascetic said"Lord, your escapades are unimaginable to embodied beings like me. By saluting the jivas under your control you are being a good role model. Your influence will not lessen because of your salutations to people like me because of your maya even though you do it for the sake of good in the world. Will a magician come under the spell of his own magic?"

"Lord, what boon can I ask you by whose appearance men will become complete, feel happy like discovering their real self. However, I will ask you that my devotion for Lord Vishnu and his devotees be the same as what I have for you"

Lord Siva said"Markandeya, with Lord Vishnu's devotion you have fulfilled all desires. Your fame will remain forever. You won't experience old age and will live forever".



Soota maharshi after discoursing on Bhagavata before Sounaka and other rishis, gave a summary of his discourse.

Soota maharshi said"Salutations to dharma of devotion for Sri Krishna. Salutations to the giver of all fruits. Salutations to brahmins. Now I recite the sanatana dharma"

King Pareekshit, after being cursed by a brahmin, decided to end his life and gave up eating food and drinking water. In this regard, the first skanda described the conversation between Pareekshit and Suka Brahma.

In the second skanda, yoga, worship, conversation between Brahma Deva and Narada, praise of Sri Hari's avataras, mahat, creation of the worlds were covered.

In the third skanda the conversations between Vidura and Uddava, Vidura and Maitreya were presented. The form of the Lord during the cosmic flood was described.

In the fourth skanda the creation process, Virata purusha's form, the slaying of Hiranyaksha, the origin of Swayubhavu manu, the half man and half woman creation was described. The stories of Sataroopa, Kardhama Prajapati's children, Kapila Deva avatara; the conversation between Kapila and Devahootu were presented. The origin of Mareechi and nine Brahmas, the destruction of Daksha yagna, the stories of Dhruva and Prudhu and Praacheena Barhi, discussion with Narada, the history of Priyavrata and Rushabha and Bharata were covered.

The birth of Devas and birds and the rest, the history of Vrutrasura, the birth and death of Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakasipa, the story of Prahlada, the description of Manvantara, the salvation of Gajendra, the avataras of Hayagriva and Matsya (fish) and Koorma (boar) and Nrusimha and Vamana, the churning of milky ocean, the battle between Devas and asuras, the birth of Ikshvaaku, the stories of Ila and Taropa, the history of Sukanya and Sarvati and Kuktsu and Khatwanga and Mandhaata and Soubhari and Sagaru were presented.

The story of Lord Rama, the sacrifice of Nimi, the birth of Janaka, the slaying of kings by Parasurama, the birth of Sri Krishna in Yadu dynasty, the description of Gokula, the slayings of demons like:Pootana, Sakatasura, Trunavarta, Bakasura and Aghasura, the hiding of cattle and gopas by Brahma Deva, the annihilation of Dhenukasura and Pralambasura, the ingestion of wildfire, the story of Kaliya, the service of brahmins' wives, raasa escapades, the pangs of separation by Gopikas, the death of Kuvalayapeeda, the killing of Chanoora and Mushtika and Kamsa were described.

The slaying of Kaala Yavana, the construction of Dwaraka, the kidnaping of Rukmini, the destruction of Narakasura and Yadu dynasty, the gita by Uddava, the end of Sri Krishna avatara, the dharma of yugas, the calamities in Kali yuga, the four types of cataclysm, the renunciation of body by Pareekshit, Markandeya's story, the glory of Surya were presented.

Soota Maharshi said"Rishis, all the things you wanted were described. In this holy scripture all the escapades of the Lord were described. The Lord will enter the hearts of whoever sings praises of Lord Hari, listens to his stories and dispels melancholy like wind scattering the clouds. The stories that don't praise the Lord Hari are false and forms of maya. The knowledge about self without the devotion to the Lord is meaningless. You gave me the privilege of discoursing on the Bhagavata that I learnt from Suka Brahma".

"Rishis, I described the glory of Sri Krishna whose story is worthy of praise and will remove all inauspiciousness. Those reading Bhagavata constantly will be freed from all obstacles" said Soota.

Bhagavata Significance


Soota said "I salute the Lord who is praised by Varuna, Indra, Rudra, Marut Gana including the reciters of sama veda; is meditated upon by yogis and whose glory can't be perceived by the Devas and asuras."

1. Brahma Purana has 10000 slokas

2. Padma Purana has 55000 slokas

3. Sri Vishnu Purana has 23000 slokas

4. Siva Purana has 24000 slokas

5. Bhagavata has 18000 slokas

6. Narada Purana has 25000 slokas

7. Markandeya Purana has 9000 slokas

8. Agni Purana has 15400 slokas

9. Bhavishyat Purana has 14500 slokas

10. Brahma Vaivartha has 18000 slokas

11. Linga Purana has 11000 slokas

12. Varaha Purana has 24000 slokas

13. Skaanda Purana has 81000 slokas

14. Vamana Purana has 10000 slokas

15. Koorma Purana has 17000 slokas

16. Matsya Purana has 14000 slokas

17. Garuda Purana has 19000 slokas

18. Brahmanda Purana has 12000 slokas

Thus there are more than 400,000 slokas in Puranas

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